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  4. New Turkish Entry Summary Declaration Regulations
01-січ.-2012 | 12:00
New Turkish Entry Summary Declaration Regulations
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01-січ.-2012 | 12:00
New Turkish Entry Summary Declaration Regulations

As of January 1, 2012, the Turkish Customs are requiring the submission of an Entry Summary Declarations, an advance customs manifest for inbound cargo destined for Turkish ports.

This Entry Summary Declaration must be sent to the Turkish Authorities from foreign Ports of Loading, no later than 24 hours before the start of loading the vessel.

Ports located in the Mediterranean and Black Seas are considered as “Short Sea” ports, for which Entry Summary Declaration must be submitted two to four (2-4) hours prior to the vessel’s arrival at the first Turkish port.

ZIM is responsible for this submission of the Entry Summary Declarations, based on the information received from our customers in a timely manner. This information and the time it is required before sending the transmission is similar to the other 24Hour Customs Manifest rules and regulations for destinations such as the United States and Canada, European Union, China, and Mexico.

To submit the Entry Summary Declaration, the following information is required as part of the Shipping Instructions:

•Full name and address of the Shipper
•Full name and address of the Consignee
•Full name and address of the Notify Party (mandatory for “To Order” B/L)
•Specific description of the goods shipped (general terms such as consolidated goods or unspecified goods are not acceptable)
•6 digit HS code (the first 6 digits are a minimum, but the entire code is preferred)
•Number of packages
•Container unit prefix and number (including empty containers).
•Seal number(s)
•Gross Cargo weight (in kilograms)
•UN code for any dangerous goods included in the cargo
•Tax number of consignee or notify party

As with all the other "24Hour" notifications, a Security Manifest Documentation Fee of $25 (USD) per Bill of Lading will be implemented.