Local news
9.02.2025 15:20:55
Dear Valued Customer, As part of ZIM ongoing efforts to provide you an excellent service experience, starting Monday, February 3rd, 2025, we will launch new email addresses in alignment with our revised Customer Service team structure in Brazil.
The new structure will enable us to better address your business needs and streamline the handling of your enquiries.For future correspondence, please contact us at the relevant email address listed below:
Email Address
Booking inquiries (From initial booking request, amendments and up until loading)
Submitting Export Shipping Instructions & BL correction requests
For Export & Import Customer Service inquiries
For future calls, please contact us by using our main contact center number:
Email Address
For Customer Service
+54 800 345 1824
Best regards,ZIM Argentina Customer Service Daha Fazla Oku
9.02.2025 13:48:16
Dear Valued Customer, As part of ZIM ongoing efforts to provide you an excellent service experience, starting Monday, February 3rd, 2025, we will launch new email addresses in alignment with our revised Customer Service team structure in Brazil.
The new structure will enable us to better address your business needs and streamline the handling of your enquiries.For future correspondence, please contact us at the relevant email address listed below:
Email Address
Booking inquiries (From initial booking request, amendments and up until loading)
Submitting Export Shipping Instructions & BL correction requests
For Export & Import Customer Service inquiries
For inquiries about Import documentation
For future calls, please contact us by using our main contact center number:
Email Address
For Customer Service
+55 11 3878 8211
Best regards,ZIM Brazil Customer Service Daha Fazla Oku
7.02.2025 05:15:33
Dear Valued Customer,
We wish to inform you that ASE, MAERSK EL PALOMAR 1E will omit Ningbo due to vessel phase out ASE service.
Relevant cargo will be t/s in Singapore (eta 15/Feb) and plan to connect SPIL CAYA 4E (eta Singapore 23/Feb, Ningbo 9/Mar).
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this incident may cause and assure you we are doing the best to find an appropriate solution for your cargo.
For further queries, or required information, please contact your ZIM local representative or visit ZIM website at: www.zim.com .
Our Customer Service teams are at your disposal for any inquiry
ZIM Customer Service Daha Fazla Oku
4.02.2025 08:10:04
Dear Valued Customer,
The following are the updated New Emission Fee (NEF) levels effective from March 1st, 2025 (*) till further notice, applying to FAK (Freight All Kind) cargo, in the trades as detailed below.The rates are listed below for your convenience (the data refers to ZIM’s base ports in each trade):In addition to the rates listed above, the following are the updated New Emission Fee (NEF) levels effective from March 2nd , 2025 (*) till further notice, applying to FAK (Freight All Kind) cargo (subject to all regulatory filing requirements):
From or to Relevant EU ports on Trades
North America, West Coast South America, Caribbean to Europe & Mediterranean (including, but not limited to France; Spain; Italy; Romania; Bulgaria)
Europe & Mediterranean to North America, West Coast South America, Caribbean(including, but not limited to France; Spain; Italy; Romania; Bulgaria)
Above charges are additional to the applicable base freight charge, THC, bunker, security and PSS related charges which are provided in ZIM's Tariff Calculator (U.S. trades are provided in www.boterates.com User: ZfreA6 Password: Access16!) as well as other charges for additional services, local charges and contingency charges.At ZIM, we are committed ensuring compliance with the EU ETS while continuing to offer reliable and efficient shipping services. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work together to address the global challenge of climate change.For details regarding specific agreements, other commodities, and other cargo types, such as reefer cargo, please approach our local office.
Sincerely,ZIM Integrated Shipping
(*) These rates are unaffected by, and do not affect, any tariff notified, published, or filed in accordance with local regulatory requirements. For trades subject to the US Shipping Act or the China Maritime Regulations, application is subject to the publication and effective date requirements of those statutes / regulations. Quotations or mitigation of published surcharges that vary from ZIM’s tariff shall not be binding unless included in a service contract or amendment that has been filed with the Federal Maritime Commission (“FMC”) or the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, as applicable.(**) For bookings from China (Excluding Hong Kong/Taiwan) to Europe, the relevant NEF will be included in the base ocean freight. (***) Russian trades are excluded. For details regarding freight and charges for Russian trades please contact the local sales/customer representative. Daha Fazla Oku
Emission Fee (NEF) charge update - August 1st 2024
Dear Valued Customer,The following are the updated New Emission Fee (NEF) levels effective from August 1st, 2024(*) till further notice, applying to FAK (Freight All Kind) cargo, in the trades as detailed below.The rates are listed below for your con…
Daha Fazla Oku
Equipment Shortage Surcharge (ESS) from All West Med to All East Med & Black Sea ports
Dear Valued Customers,
We would like to update you that due to equipment shortage in the Mediterranean area and to continue our good and reliable services, ZIM is updating the Equipment shortage surcharge from All West Med to All East Med & Black…
Daha Fazla Oku
Dangerous Goods policy update
Dear Valued Customer,We wish to update that with the immediate effect, Hydrogen Peroxide Class 5.1 UNNO 2014 & 2015 will not be accepted for shipments in standard DV containers. The Hydrogen Peroxide Class 5.1 UNNO 2014 & 2015 will be accepte…
Daha Fazla Oku
New Regulation for Import to Egypt
Dear Valued Customers,We have been advised regarding a new Egyptian Customs regulation named Advanced Cargo Information (ACI), which requires that the Egyptian Importer will register his expected shipment with the new Egyptian Customs system before t…
Daha Fazla Oku